10 Event Planning Certifications You Never Knew Existed

These event planning certifications or certificate programs are not as highly regarded or required in the events industry as the Certified Meeting Professional or Certified Special Events Professional but might be of interest to you depending on if you would like to expand your knowledge and expertise in a particular area.
- Cеrtіfіеd Aѕѕосіаtіоn Exесutіvе (CAE): The Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential is the marker of a committed association professional who has demonstrated the wide range of knowledge essential to manage an association in today’s challenging environment.
- Certified Hospitality Digital Marketer (CHDM): The CHDM is for established hospitality digital marketing professionals who want to demonstrate their proficiency, and sales, marketing, and revenue optimization professionals who want to expand their current role or move into a digital role, upskill and become more proficient, and better understand how digital marketing intersects with and impacts their areas of responsibility.
- Cеrtіfіеd іn Hоѕріtаlіtу Buѕіnеѕѕ Aсumеn (CHBA)
- Cеrtіfіеd Hospitality Revenue Management Exесutіvе (CRME): If you’re a hospitality revenue professional and want to be recognized for your knowledge, experience, and capabilities in the discipline.
- Certified Revenue Management Analyst (CRMA): A globally-recognized certification from HSMAI, the CRMA is designed for hospitality students whose aspirations are focused on a career in hotel revenue optimization, and for hospitality instructors looking to supplement their revenue management curriculum.
- Certified Hospitality Facilities Executive (CHFE): The CHFE certification can help you excel in your current position, move further toward your career goals, and show that you are among the best in your profession.
- Certified Venue Professional (CVP): The Certified Venue Professional (CVP) program was launched in 2015 by IAVM to recognize the competence of middle to senior level managers of public assembly venues as well as assist in creating a professional development road map.
- Certified Professional in Catering and Events (CPCE): The Certified Professional in Catering and Events (CPCE) is a nationally recognized program and the mark of excellence for catering and event professionals.
- Sustainable Event Professional Certificate (SEPC): The SEPC programme is for those events professionals interested in accelerating sustainability and social impact in their organisations and global business events.
- Destination Management Certified Professional (DMCP): The Destination Management Certified Professional (DMCP) credential is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated the highest knowledge of best practices in the Destination Management industry.
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