Event Planner Certifications

Become a Certified Event Planner to grow your business and career

An Event Planning Certification is a designation received based on years of experience within the industry and the completion of an examination program through a designated institution.

The event planning industry is currently unregulated, which means that you will find many programs offering you cheap, bare-bones training to obtain “certification”, without much studying or training.

This can be misleading as event planning certification programs often listed as “certified” might not be.

It is therefore essential to be able to identify the different industry approved event planning certification programs as well as the best training programs to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to become a successful event planner. Many online programs will promise that you can obtain “certification” from completing their courses. This is incorrect.

We’ve outlined the most recognized event planning certifications through accredited associations, as well as a list of quality training programs to better suit your needs.

Currently, there are Four (4) widely recognized event planning certification programs. These are:

  1. The Certified Meeting Professional (CMP)

  2. The Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP)

  3. The Certified Government Meeting Professional (CGMP)

  4. Certification in Exhibition Management (CEM)

It is important to note the difference between “Certification” and “Certificate”. Unless you have completed one of the three examination programs listed above, what you will receive is a “certificate” from that program. This means that any certification not obtained through one of these three programs is a certification ONLY for the company offering the training and will mean nothing to other professionals within the event planning industry.

In addition, there are also two (2) certificate programs that provide training to event and wedding planners but are not considered accredited designations. These are:

  1. Certificate in Meeting Management

  2. Wedding Planning Certification

There are many other certifications not covered in this article that might be related to other areas of the events industry such as catering and hospitality. This list only addresses those applicable to event and wedding planners.

You can learn more about all the event planning certification programs available within the industry. Which is best for you, the requirements, and how to apply for each in the eBook below.

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